- Xuất xứ: Hàng nhập khẩu từ hãng THERMAX Ấn Độ
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- Liên hệ: Bộ phận khách hàng: 02363 987142.
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Mục đích của việc dùng nhựa trao đổi ion trong xử lý nước uống là nhằm làm mềm nước hoặc loại bỏ các chất khoáng không cần thiết trong nước. Nước được làm mềm bằng cách sử dụng một loại nhựa có chứa ion Na+ liên kết với một cation khác, cation đó có khả năng liên kết với Ca2+ và Mg2+ mạnh hơn Na+. Khi cho nhựa vào cột trao đổi ion và cho nước cần xử lý chảy qua cột, cation có trong nhựa sẽ liên kết với các ion Ca2+ và Mg2+ và giữ chúng lại trong cột, đồng thời sẽ giải phóng Na+ vào nước, cách này giúp loại bỏ ion Ca2+ và Mg2+ có trong nước uống, giúp nước “mềm” hơn.
Nếu nước xử lý yêu cầu phải loại bỏ hoàn toàn lượng khoáng có trong nước thì tiếp tục xử lý bằng cách cho nước chảy qua cột trao đổi ion với nhựa chứa H+ (sẽ loại bỏ được cation) và sau đó qua cột có nhựa chứa ion OH- (loại bỏ các anion). H+ và OH- sau đó sẽ kết hợp với nhau tạo thành nước (H2O).
Tulsion® T-42 Na
Tulsion® T–42 Na is a premium grade, strong acid cation exchange resin, with polystyrene matrix with excellent physical and chemical properties, supplied in sodium form.
Tulsion® T–42 Na has exceptional physical and chemical stability. This resin exhibits excellent resistance to osmotic shocks due to its high bead strength and offers stable operating capacity.
Tulsion® T–42 Na is most suitable for softening in water treatment and it is suited for use in a wide range of pH.
Type | Strong acid cation exchange resin |
Matrix structure | Polystyrene Copolymer |
Functional group | Nuclear Sulphonic |
Physical form | Moist Spherical Beads |
Ionic form | Sodium |
Screen Size USS (wet) | 16 to 50 |
Particle size (95% min) | 0.3 to 1.2 mm |
Total Exchange Capacity | 2.0meq/ ml (min) |
Moisture content | 45 ± 3% |
Reversible Swelling (approx) | Sodium to Hydrogen : 7% |
pH range | 0 to 14 |
Solubility | Insoluble in all common solvents |
Backwash settled density | 810 to 850 g/ l |
Temperature stability | 140 OC |
Free chlorine | Not traceable |
Turbidity | Less than 2 NTU |
Iron and heavy metals | Less than 0.1 ppm |
Maximum operating temperature | 1400C |
Resin bed depth (minimum) | 800 mm |
Maximum service flow | 120 m3/hr/m3 |
Backwash expansion space | 40 – 75% |
Backwash flow rate for 40-70% expansion | 9 – 25 m3/hr/m3 |
Regenerant | NaCl |
Regeneration level | 30 to 160 g/l |
Regenerant concentration | 10 – 15% NaCl |
Regenerant flow rate | 2 to 8 m3/hr/m3 |
Regeneration time | 20 to 60 min |
Rinse flow rate: Slow | At regeneration flow rate |
: Fast | At service flow rate |
Rinse volume | 3 – 5 m3/ m3 |
The sampling and testing of ion exchange resins is done as per standard testing procedures, namely
ASTMD-2187 and IS-7330, 1998.
Super Sack | 1000 lit. | Super Sack | 35 cft |
MS drums | 180 lit. | Fiber Drums | 7 cft |
HDPE lines Bags | 25 lit. | HDPE Lined Bags | 1 cft |
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices.
The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These data are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment.
In view of our constant endeavor to improve the quality of our products, we reserve the right to change their specifications without prior notice.
Tulsion® T-42 Na
TULSION® T-42 Na FG is a gel type, strong acid cation exchange resin containing sulphonic acid functional group and Sodium as ionic form.
TULSION® T-42 Na FG exhibits high operating capacity, high resistance towards oxidative attacks. This product has excellent physical and chemical properties, better kinetics and low pressure drop.
TULSION® T-42 Na FG can be used for softening application in Sugar, liquid glucose and other food processing industries.
TULSION® T-42 Na FG is tested as per USFDA protocol 21 CFR, 173.25 and resin meets the requirement.
TULSION® T-42 Na FG is HALAL and KOSHER certified product.
Type | : Strong acid cation exchange resin |
Matrix structure | : Sulphonic acid |
Physical form | : Moist spherical beads |
Ionic form | : Sodium |
Total exchange capacity | : 2.0 meq/ml |
Moisture content | : 42 – 48% |
Particle size distribution | : 0.4 to 1.2 mm |
Uniform coefficient | : 1.5 max. |
Reversible swelling | : Na+ to H+ : 7% max |
pH range | : 0 to 14 |
Backwash settled density | : 810 to 850 g/l approx. |
Solubility | : Insoluble in all common solvents |
Temp. stability | : 1400 C |
The sampling and testing of ion exchange resin is done as per standard testing procedures, namely ASTMD-2187 and IS-7330, 1998
Super Sack | 1000 lit | Super Sack | 35 cft |
MS drums | 180 lit. | Fiber Drums | 7 cft |
HDPE lines Bags | 25 lit. | HDPE Lined Bags | 1 cft |
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment.